Young Scholars' Competition: Monday, 27. February 2006. 24:00 CET (Notifications: Wednesday, 15. March 2006)Poster Session: Thursday, 9 March 2006. 24:00 CET (Notifications: Wednesday, 15. March 2006)
The Kurt Gödel Anniversary Submission for both the Poster session and the young scholar competition are done via the EasyChair system. The location of the submission page isYou will have first to register as a user. After this you will receive an email stating your username and password.
After logging in to the system you will see a basic menu page:
Under Overview you will find the list of already submitted papers. This page is for your information only, use the menu on the top of the page to make any changes.
The menu entry New Submission let you select either the
Poster session or the Young Scholars' Competition (named Students' Competition).
After selecting one of them and pressing
Under My Account you can change your details and password.
If you have any problems with the system, please contact us:
Submission page
Only PDF formatted texts are accepted. Anything else will be rejected. Submissions for the Young Scholars' competition must not exceed 6 pages, submissions for the Poster session must not exceed 3 pages.
Please go to the Submission Web page.