Opening Ceremony
April 26, 2006.
Celebration Hall of the University of Vienna
5 p.m.
Official protocol
- European anthem
- Georg Winckler, Rector of the University of Vienna
- Matthias Baaz, Chairman of the Kurt Gödel Society
- Charles L. Harper, Senior Vice President of the John Templeton Foundation
- Karl Sigmund, Organizer of the Exhibition on Kurt Gödels life and work, together with John Dawson
- Daniel Weselka, the official representative of the Federal Ministry for Education, Science, and Culture
- Heinz Fischer, Federal President of the Republic of Austria
- National anthem
The official opening ceremony will be followed by a reception and a possibility to visit the exhibition.
Important note: The opening ceremony and the exhibition are open to the public, however the participation in the Symposium requires electronic registration and fee payment.