[ Final Program | List of Participants ]


International Workshop on
First order Theorem Proving

Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Vienna, Austria
November 23 - 25, 1998

Extended abstracts

Technical Report E1852-GS-981, Technische Universität Wien, Karlsplatz 13/E1852, A-1040 Wien

This page gives access to the extended abstracts presented at FTP'98 (BiBTeX entries). Full versions of most papers were published in the volume Automated Deduction in Classical and Non-Classical Logics, LNCS 1761, Springer 2000.

Front matter

The front matter consists of cover page, preface, list of persons involved (program committee, additional referees, steering committee), and table of contents.

Invited talks

Extended abstracts

All regular submissions were refereed by two or three referees. The program committee accepted 19 out of 24 abstracts.

Position papers

Related Documents

The Call for Papers is available as plain text, as LaTeX source, and in PDF format.

The Final Program is available as plain text, as LaTeX source, and in PDF format.

The List of Participants is available as LaTeX source, and in PDF format.


23 Dec 1998, Gernot Salzer (ps to pdf conversion of documents 4 Jan 2018)