Best Thesis

Every year each of the partner universities of the EMCL study program may nominate a candidate for the Best Thesis Award. The nomination is the best EMCL Master Thesis presented at the respective university in the bygone year. Each nominated thesis will be presented by its author during the workshop. The winner will be announced during the Social Dinner.

This year, we have the following nominations:

Title: Backdoors for SAT [Abstract] [pdf]
Author: Marco Gario
Supervisor: Prof. Steffen Hölldobler

Title: Explaining Query Answers in Lightweight Ontologies [Abstract] [pdf]
Author: Giorgio Stefanoni
Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Eiter

Title: Reaching definability via Abduction [Abstract]
Author: Evgeny Sherkhonov
Supervisors: Prof. Enrico Franconi, Prof. Steffen Hölldobler