Seminar: Pavelka style fuzzy logic over Chang's MV-algebra


Esko Turunen (Tampere University of Technology, Finland;

currently Marie Curie IEF fellow at TU Wien)

Date: Wednesday, 20.11.2013 Time: 17:00-18:00 Place Seminar room "Gödel", Favoritenstraße 9


We study Pavelka's fuzzy sentential logic by replacing the truth value set by Chang's MV-algebra, which is not a complete MV-algebra. Thus, original Pavelka style completeness cannot be expected, however, we prove a weaker result: If a formula A is provable to a degree d, then it is also valid to the same degree. This weak completeness result is obtained by adding a new rule of inference and three new axioms to Pavelka's original approach. The differences between Rational Pavelka Logic and Perfect Pavelka Logic are discussed.