
package llk

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package ast
  2. package short

Type Members

  1. case class AToken(rule: String, name: Option[LambdaAST], antecedent: List[LambdaAST], succedent: List[LambdaAST]) extends Token with Product with Serializable

    An AToken represents an Axiom declaration or Definition declaration.

    An AToken represents an Axiom declaration or Definition declaration.


    either "AXIOMDEF", "PREDDEF" or"FUNDEF"


    the (unique) name of the definition/axiom


    the antecedent of the declaration sequent (not yet typechecked)


    the succedent of the declaration sequent (not yet typechecked)

  2. class DeclarationParser extends LLKASTParser
  3. case class ExtendedProofDatabase(eproofs: Map[Formula, LKProof], eaxioms: Map[Formula, Formula], edefinitions: Map[Const, Expr]) extends Product with Serializable

    An extended proof database allows to label subproofs by formulas.

    An extended proof database allows to label subproofs by formulas. It provides mappings from formulas to proofs additionally to the list of pairs.

  4. class HybridLatexParserException extends Exception
  5. class LLKASTParser extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers
  6. class LLKExporter extends AnyRef
  7. class LLKFormulaParser extends AnyRef
  8. class LLKProofParser extends DeclarationParser with LatexReplacementParser with TokenToLKConverter
  9. trait LatexReplacementParser extends DeclarationParser

    This code works around some limitations of latex syntax and adds alternative syntax for abstraction, application and adds support of some macros used in the n-tape proof.

  10. case class RToken(rule: String, name: Option[LambdaAST], antecedent: List[LambdaAST], succedent: List[LambdaAST], sub: List[(Var, LambdaAST)]) extends Token with Product with Serializable

    A RToken represents a rule application.

    A RToken represents a rule application.


    One out of "AX", "ALLL", "ALLR", "EXL", "EXR", "ANDL", "ANDR", "ORL", "ORR", "IMPL", "IMPR", "NEGL", "NEGR", "CUT", "EQL", "EQR", "WEAKL", "WEAKR", "CONTRL", "CONTRR", "DEF", "BETA", "INSTAXIOM"


    quantifier rules allow optional specification of the subsitution term, definitions and axiom instantiations take the referenced declaration, etc.


    the antecedent of the declaration sequent (not yet typechecked)


    the antecedent of the declaration sequent (not yet typechecked)


    some rules like axiom instantiation specify substitutions, which are passed as list of var-term pairs

  11. case class TToken(decltype: String, names: List[String], types: Ty) extends Token with Product with Serializable

    A TToken represents an LLK type declaration.

    A TToken represents an LLK type declaration.


    either "VARDEC" or "CONSTDEC"


    a list of symbol names


    the assigned type

  12. abstract class Token extends AnyRef

    The abstract class for tokens of an llk proof.

    The abstract class for tokens of an llk proof. TTokens represent type declarations, ATokens represent axiom and definition declarations, and RTokens represent a rule inference.

  13. trait TokenToLKConverter extends AnyRef

    This implements the second parsing pass, converting hlk Tokens to an LK Proof.

    This implements the second parsing pass, converting hlk Tokens to an LK Proof. HybridLatexParser inherits from TokenToLKConverter to have a common interface, but the code here is only dependent on the AST. It uses the ASTtoHOL object to create Exprs from hol ASTs.

Value Members

  1. object DeclarationParser extends DeclarationParser
  2. object EquationVerifier
  3. object LLKASTParser extends LLKASTParser
  4. object LLKExporter extends LLKExporter
  5. object LLKFormatter
  6. object LLKFormulaParser extends LLKFormulaParser
  7. object LLKProofParser extends LLKProofParser
  8. object LLKTypes
  9. object LatexLLKExporter extends LLKExporter
  10. object UnicodeToLatex

    UnicodeToLatex contains a table of greek unicode symbols and their LaTeX equivalents.

  11. object exportLLK
  12. object loadLLK

    Top-level interface to LLK Parsing

  13. object parseLLKExp
  14. object parseLLKFormula
  15. object toLLKString

    This is a prover9 style formatting which can be parsed by LLK.

  16. object toLatexString

    This is a Latex formatting which can be parsed by LLK.
