Download CLEWS

To run CLEWS a java runtime environment version (SUN) JAVA 1.6 or newer is required. It can be downloaded here.

CLEWS  uses JavaILP to access ILP solvers. At the moment lpsolve is used.

Download the current version of CLEWS (Version 0.5.1)

See the version history for information about changes.


Get it for Linux 32bit:
Get it for Linux 64bit:

You don't need to download anything else, just unpack the downloaded ZIP-file.
Open a terminal, navigate to the directory in which the clews[version].jar file is located and type
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lp_solve java -jar clews[version].jar


CLEWS was only tested on Linux. If you have Windows or another operating system,
you can try to download CLEWS without the needed libraries: clews051.jar

Additionally you need to install the lpsolve runtime libraries for your OS.
Get a current runtime version of lpsolve (you only need the file lp_solve_[version]_dev_[youros].[zip,tar.gz] and the Java wrapper lp_solve_[version] For setting up a working Java environment for lpsolve follow the instructions in the lpsolve reference guide.
will only start if lpsolve is working.

CLEWS Getting started

Read the Documentation for further instructions on CLEWS.

CLEWS Sourcecode

You can download the sourcecode here:
(This is an Eclipse project.)

Older Versions of CLEWS

See the version history for older versions of CLEWS.

You need to install the lpsolve runtime libraries to be able to run any older version of CLEWS
Get a current runtime version of lpsolve (you only need the file lp_solve_[version]_dev_[youros].[zip,tar.gz] and the Java wrapper lp_solve_[version] For setting up a working Java environment for lpsolve follow the instructions in the lpsolve reference guide.
will only start if lpsolve is working.

Last Update: February 28, 2012