4th International Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (STRATEGIES 2001)

held in conjunction with IJCAR 2001

in Siena, Italy, June 18, 2001

List of registered participants (in alphabetical order)

  1. Sergio Antoy <antoy@cs.pdx.edu>
  2. Johan Alfredsson <johan.alfredsson@safelogic.se>
  3. Serge Autexier <Autexier@ags.uni-sb.de>
  4. Johan Belinfante <belinfan@math.gatech.edu >
  5. Marcin Benke <marcin@cs.chalmers.se>
  6. Maria Paola Bonacina <Maria Paola Bonacina >
  7. Serenella Cerrito <serena@lri.fr>
  8. David Crocker <dcrocker@eschertech.com>
  9. Clare Dixon <C.Dixon@doc.mmu.ac.uk >
  10. Bernd Fisher <fish@email.awc.masc.gov>
  11. Olivier Fissore <fissore@loria.fr>
  12. Lilia Georgieva <georgiel@cs.man.ac.uk >
  13. Wolfgang Goerigk < wg@informatik.uni-kiel.de>
  14. Bernhard Gramlich <gramlich@logic.at>
  15. Thomas Hillenbrand <hillen@mpi-sb.mpg.de>
  16. Dieter Hutter <hutter@dfki.de>
  17. Andrew Ireland <a.ireland@hw.ac.uk>
  18. Richard B. Kieburtz <dick@cse.ogi.edu>
  19. Bernd Loechner <loechner@informatik.uni-kl.de>
  20. Claudia Nalon <C.Nalon@csc.liv.ac.uk >
  21. Julian Richardson <julianr@cee.hw.ac.uk>
  22. Christophe Ringeissen <Christophe.Ringeissen@loria.fr>
  23. Axel Schairer <schairer@dfki.de>
  24. Dmitry Tishkovsky <dmitry@cs.man.ac.uk>