Interesting Conferences & Workshops (with submission deadline in 2007)

(see also Interesting Journals, Interesting Special Issues of Journals)

on foundational, theoretical, logical, and mathematical aspects of computer science (including in particular: rewriting & equational reasoning, automated & interactive deductive & inductive reasoning, specification & verification, formal methods, programming languages & software engineering, logical frameworks, computational logic, automata & formal languages, artificial intelligence)

(ordered by submission deadline, all data without guarantee, incomplete list, never up-to-date but useful)

Interesting Conferences & Workshops with submission deadline in 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 or before

Interesting Summer Schools & Related Events

Dates are of the form dd/mm/yy.

Abbreviations used:
+ extended deadline
++ newly extended deadline
(1d) 1 day
a deadline for submission of abstracts or posters
ap deadline for submission of application papers
c changed/postponed deadline
CO competition
demo deadline for proposing demos
dp deadline for submission of doctoral program papers
ea deadline for submission of extended abstracts
ep deadline for submission of emerging trends papers
er deadline for early registration / application
fa deadline for submission of fast abstracts
p deadline for submission of (full) papers
po deadline for submission of posters
proc deadline for submission of (full) papers for (post) proceedings
r deadline for registration / application
rp deadline for submission of research papers
sa deadline for submission of short abstracts
se deadline for proposing satellite events
SE satellite event
sp deadline for submission of short papers
ST special track / session / working session
SY symposium
ta deadline for submission of title + author(s)
tool deadline for tool (or industrial) papers
tut deadline for tutorial proposal
TUT tutorial
wip deadline for work in progress papers
ws deadline for course or workshop proposal
WS workshop

Event               Submission  Notification  Date                Location

======================================================== 2007 ========================================================

TLCA'07           p 02/01/07    25/03/07      26/06-28/06/07      Paris (France)
ETAPS'07 WS HAV     05/01/07    26/01/07      25/03-25/03/07      Braga (Portugal)
ATPN'07             05/01/07    01/03/07      25/06-29/06/07      Siedlce (Poland)
FMOODS'07         a 08/01/07    07/03/07      06/06-08/06/07      Paphos (Cyprus)
AOSD'07 WS FOAL     10/01/07    02/02/07      13/03-13/03/07      Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
LICS'07           a 15/01/07    19/03/07      10/07-14/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
FMOODS'07         p 15/01/07    07/03/07      06/06-08/06/07      Paphos (Cyprus)
AOSD'07 WS RV       15/01/07    29/01/07      13/03-13/03/07      Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
AVIS'07             16/01/07    12/02/07      31/03-31/03/07      Braga (Portugal)
SAT'07              19/01/07    02/03/07      28/05-31/05/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
USMC'07           a 19/01/07                  05/02-07/02/07      Canberra (Australia)
ETAPS'08         se 20/01/07    06/02/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ICSE'07 WS AST      20/01/07    20/02/07      20/05-26/05/07?     Minneapolis (MN, USA)
CIE'07            + 22/01/07    16/02/07      18/06-23/06/07      Siena (Italy)
KI'07        ws/tut 22/01/07    31/01/07      10/09-10/09/07      Osnabrück (Germany)
LICS'07           p 22/01/07    19/03/07      10/07-14/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
ICALP'07            25/01/07    05/04/07      09/07-13/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
CP-AI-OR'07         26/01/07    26/02/07      24/05-26/05/07      Brussels (Belgium)
RTA'07            a 26/01/07    02/04/07      26/06-28/06/07      Paris (France)
SE'07 WS TESTING    26/01/07    09/02/07      27/03-27/03/07      Hamburg (Germany)
COORDINATION'07     27/01/07    07/03/07      06/06-08/06/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
CAV'07              28/01/07    23/03/07      03/07-07/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
IFM'07 ST UTP       29/01/07    19/03/07      02/07-06/07/07      Oxford (UK)
RR'07               29/01/07    06/03/07      07/06-08/06/07      Innsbruck (Austria)
TASE'07           + 28/01/07    22/02/07      06/06-08/06/07      Shanghai (China)
IFM'07 ST UTP       29/01/07    19/03/07      02/07-05/07/07      Oxford (UK)
FIELDS-TRACES'07    30/01/07                  28/04-30/04/07      Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)
TARK'07             30/01/07    28/03/07      25/06-27/06/07      Brussels (Belgium)
RTA'07            p 31/01/07    02/04/07      26/06-28/06/07      Paris (France)
ETAPS'07 WS FINCO   31/01/07    28/02/07      31/03-31/03/07      Braga (Portugal)
ETAPS'07 WS QAPL ea 31/01/07    02/02/07      24/03-25/03/07      Braga (Portugal)
EUROPLOP'07         31/01/07    29/04/07      04/07-08/07/07      Irsee (Germany)
WFM'07              31/01/07    01/03/07      23/04-25/04/07      Hradec nad Moravicí (Czech Republic)
TFP'07            a 01/02/07    20/02/07      02/04-04/04/07      New York (NY, USA)
AAAI'07           a 01/02/07    06/04/07      22/07-26/07/07      Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
SAFECOMP'07       a 02/02/07    11/05/07      18/09-21/09/07      Nuremberg (Germany)
SE'07 WS SE4OC      02/02/07    23/02/07      29/03-29/03/07      Hamburg (Germany)
TABLEAUX'07       a 02/02/07    02/04/07      03/07-06/07/07      Aix en Provence (France)
USMC'07           r 02/02/07                  05/02-07/02/07      Canberra (Australia)
MEMOCODE'07         03/02/07    24/03/07      30/05-01/06/07      Nice (France)
AAMAS'07 WS DALT    05/02/07    05/03/07      14/05-15/05/07(1d)  Honolulu (Hawai'i, USA)
CSF'07              05/02/07    26/03/07      06/07-08/07/07      Venice (Italy)
IFM'07            + 05/02/07    19/03/07      02/07-05/07/07      Oxford (UK)
AAAI'07           p 06/02/07    06/04/07      22/07-26/07/07      Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
CALCO'07         +a 07/02/07    28/03/07      21/08-24/08/07      Bergen (Norway)
PASTE'07            07/02/07    10/03/07      13/06-14/06/07      San Diego (California, USA)
TABLEAUX'07       p 09/02/07    02/04/07      03/07-06/07/07      Aix en Provence (France)
DLT'07              11/02/07    18/03/07      03/07-06/07/07      Turku (Finland)
LCTES'07            11/02/07    02/04/07      08/06-16/06/07      San Diego (California, USA)
TIME'07             12/02/07    28/03/07      28/06-30/06/07      Alicante (Spain)
COCOON'07           12/02/07    02/04/07      16/07-19/07/07      Banff (Alberta, Canada)
ICLP'07          ws 14/02/07    28/02/07      08/09-13/09/07      Porto (Portugal)
OAL'07          ++a 14/02/07    22/03/07      12/06-16/06/07      Nashville (Tennessee, USA)
ESSLLI'07 WS MTC    15/02/07    09/04/07      13/08-17/08/07      Dublin (Ireland)
TOOLS-EUROPE'07  +a 15/02/07    15/04/07      24/06-28/06/07      Zurich (Switzerland)
BCTCS'07          a 16/02/07                  02/04-05/04/07      Oxford (UK)
CADE'07           a 16/02/07    16/04/07      17/07-20/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
CALCO'07         +p 17/02/07    28/03/07      21/08-24/08/07      Bergen (Norway)
TESTCOM-FATES'07  a 18/02/07    02/04/07      26/06-29/06/07      Tallinn (Estonia)
TOOLS-EUROPE'07  +p 22/02/07    15/04/07      24/06-28/06/07      Zurich (Switzerland)
WOLLIC'07         a 23/02/07    12/04/07      02/07-05/07/07      Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
CADE'07           p 23/02/07    16/04/07      17/07-20/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
TPHOLS'07        rp 23/02/07    30/04/07      11/09-13/09/07      Kaiserslautern (Germany)
FORTE'07         +a 25/02/07    02/04/07      18/07-26/07/07      Eugene (Oregon, USA)
TESTCOM-FATES'07  p 25/02/07    02/04/07      26/06-29/06/07      Tallinn (Estonia)
DNA'07              26/02/07    01/04/07      04/06-07/06/07      Memphis (Tennessee, USA)
AIT'07              28/02/07    30/03/07      25/06-26/06/07      Hagenberg-Linz (Austria)
CAI'07              28/02/07    15/04/07      21/05-25/05/07      Thessaloniki (Greece)
FMCO'06       tut/p 28/02/07    15/04/07      07/11-10/11/06      Amsterdam (Netherlands)
GIRARD-60-LOGIC'07  28/02/07    31/03/07      17/05-20/05/07      Siena (Italy))
OAL'07 WS UACSP   a 28/02/07    30/03/07      17/06-20/06/07      Nashville (Tennessee, USA)
MKM'07           +a 01/03/07    02/04/07      27/06-30/06/07      Hagenberg (Austria)
SEKE'07           + 01/03/07    01/04/07      09/07-11/07/07      Boston (Massachusetts, USA)
ICLP'07           a 02/03/07    04/05/07      08/09-13/09/07      Porto (Portugal)
WOLLIC'07         p 02/03/07    12/04/07      02/07-05/07/07      Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
CALCULEMUS'07     + 04/03/07    02/04/07      27/06-30/06/07      Hagenberg (Austria)
FORTE'07         +p 04/03/07    02/04/07      18/07-26/07/07      Eugene (Oregon, USA)
MKM'07           +p 04/03/07    02/04/07      27/06-30/06/07      Hagenberg (Austria)
FCT'07              05/03/07    20/04/07      27/08-30/08/07      Budapest (Hungary)
SAFECOMP'07       p 09/03/07    11/05/07      18/09-21/09/07      Nuremberg (Germany)
ICLP'07           p 09/03/07    04/05/07      08/09-13/09/07      Porto (Portugal)
OWLED'07          + 11/03/07    20/04/07      06/06-07/06/07      Innsbruck (Austria)
WING'07           + 11/03/07    25/04/07      25/06-26/06/07      Hagenberg (Austria)
CCA'07              15/03/07    15/04/07      16/06-18/06/07      Siena (Italy)
CONTEXT'07          15/03/07    07/05/07      20/08-24/08/07      Roskilde (Denmark)
SPIN'07             15/03/07    15/04/07      01/07-03/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
UNILOG'07         a 15/03/07    15/04/07      16/08-22/08/07      Xi'an (China)
WFTOP'07            15/03/07    25/03/07      07/05-13/05/07      Padua (Italy)
ARW'07            a 16/03/07    23/03/07      19/04-20/04/07      London (UK)
IC.+LI.'07 WS GOCP  16/03/07    04/05/07      09/07-09/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
MOL'07              16/03/07    30/04/07      28/07-30/07/07      Los Angeles ((California, USA)
GPCE'07      ws/tut 16/03/07    09/04/07      01/10-03/10/07      Salzburg (Austria)
QEST'07           a 17/03/07    07/06/07      16/09-19/09/07      Edinburgh (Scotland, UK)
MCU'07            + 18/03/07    30/04/07      10/09-14/09/07      Orléans (France)
ESEC/FSE'07         19/03/07    01/06/07      03/09-07/09/07      Dubrovnik (Croatia)
MODELS'07         a 19/03/07    11/06/07      30/09-05/10/07      Nashville (Tennessee, USA)
OOPSLA'07           19/03/07    11/05/07      21/10-25/10/07      Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
ATPN'07 WS UFO      20/03/07    01/05/07      25/06-26/06/07      Siedlce (Poland)
DCFS'07             20/03/07    01/05/07      20/07-23/07/07      High Tatras (Slovakia)
HYLO'07           + 22/03/07    21/04/07      06/08-10/08/07      Dublin (Ireland)
QEST'07          +a 24/03/07    07/06/07      16/09-19/09/07      Edinburgh (Scotland, UK)
CONCUR'07         a 26/03/07    18/05/07      03/09-08/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
ETAPS'07                                      24/03-01/04/07      Braga (Portugal)
DL'07            +a 26/03/07    27/04/07      08/06-10/06/07      Brixen-Bressanone (Italy)
POPL'08         +ws 26/03/07    16/04/07      10/01-12/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
SARA'07           + 26/03/07    23/04/07      18/07-21/07/07      Whistler (British Columbia, Canada) 
SAS'07            a 26/03/07    07/05/07      22/08-24/08/07      Kongens Lyngby (Denmark)
VLHCC'07          + 27/03/07    22/05/07      22/08-26/09/07      Coeur d'Alene (Idaho, USA)
DL'07            +p 28/03/07    27/04/07      08/06-10/06/07      Brixen-Bressanone (Italy)
FMICS'07          a 30/03/07    14/05/07      01/07-02/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
SAS'07            p 30/03/07    07/05/07      22/08-24/08/07      Kongens Lyngby (Denmark)
ASM'07              31/03/07    07/05/07      07/06-09/06/07      Grimstad (Norway)
QEST'07          +p 31/03/07    07/06/07      16/09-19/09/07      Edinburgh (Scotland, UK)
TYPES'07          r 31/03/07                  02/05-05/05/07      Cividale (Italy)
UC'07               31/03/07    05/05/07      13/08-17/08/07      Kingston (Ontario, Canada)
UC'07 WS LTB        31/03/07    30/04/07      14/08-14/08/07      Kingston (Ontario, Canada)
UC'07 WS UCBES      31/03/07    05/05/07      13/08-13/08/07      Kingston (Ontario, Canada)
FCRC'07 WS PLAS     01/04/07    01/05/07      14/06-14/06/07      San Diego (California, USA)
RDP'07 WS PATE      01/04/07    15/05/07      25/06-25/06/07      Paris (France)
CONCUR'07         p 02/04/07    18/05/07      03/09-08/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
CSL'07            a 02/04/07    21/05/07      11/09-15/09/06      Lausanne (Switzerland)
MFCS'07             02/04/07    28/05/07      27/08-31/08/07      Cesky Krumlov (Czech Republic)
MODELS'07         p 02/04/07    11/06/07      30/09-05/10/07      Nashville (Tennessee, USA)
PROLE'07          a 02/04/07    01/06/07      11/09-14/09/07      Zaragoza (Spain)
PPDP'07           + 03/04/07    22/04/07      14/07-16/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
ICFP'07             06/04/07    08/06/07      01/10-03/10/07      Freiburg (Germany)
FMICS'07          p 06/04/07    14/05/07      01/07-02/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
LI.+IC.'07 WS SOS a 06/04/07    09/05/07      09/07-09/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
RULE'07           + 08/04/07    06/05/07      29/06-29/06/07      Paris (France)
CSL'07            p 09/04/07    21/05/07      11/09-15/09/06      Lausanne (Switzerland)
CSR'07           ++ 09/04/07    20/05/07      03/09-07/09/07      Ekaterinburg (Russia)
IICAI'07          + 09/04/07    18/05/07      17/12-19/12/07      Pune (India)
SNC'07            + 09/04/07    13/05/07      25/07-27/07/07      London (Ontario, Canada)
CALCO-JNR'07      a 10/04/07    30/04/07      20/08-20/08/07      Bergen (Norway)
MTCOORD'07        + 10/04/07    03/05/07      04/06-04/06/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
RDP'07 WS PATE    + 11/04/07    15/05/07      25/06-25/06/07      Paris (France)
CAV'07 CO HWMCC   r 13/04/07                  01/06-07/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
CSCLP'07          + 13/04/07    20/04/07      07/06-08/06/07      Rocquencourt (France)
HOR'07              13/04/07    11/05/05      25/06-25/06/07      Paris (France)
PROLE'07          p 13/04/07    01/06/07      11/09-14/09/07      Zaragoza (Spain)
TPR'07              13/04/07                  19/06/07 12/07      Paris (France)
SEFM'07           + 14/04/07    29/05/07      12/09-14/09/07      London (UK)
FCS-ARSPA'07        15/04/07    20/05/07      08/07-09/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
ICTCS'07            15/04/07    31/05/07      03/10-06/10/07      Rome (Italy)
LI.+IC.'07 WS SOS p 15/04/07    09/05/07      09/07-09/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
LORI'07             15/04/07    07/05/07      05/08-09/08/07      Beijing (China)
WMC'07              16/04/07    04/05/07      25/06-28/06/07      Thessaloniki (Greece)
PASCO'07          + 16/04/07    13/05/07      27/07-28/07/07      London (Ontario, Canada)
GPCE'07           a 17/04/07    10/06/07      01/10-03/10/07      Salzburg (Austria)
LC'07             a 17/04/07                  13/07-19/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
CP'07            ap 18/04/07    16/06/07      23/09-27/09/07      Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
CP'07               19/04/07    16/06/07      23/09-27/09/07      Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
WRS'07            a 19/04/07    18/05/07      25/06-25/06/07      Paris (France)
BIC-TA'07           20/04/07    10/06/07      14/09-17/09/07      Zhengzhou (China)
FOCS'07             20/04/07    01/07/07      21/10-23/10/07      Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
NETTAB'07           20/04/07    10/06/07      14/09-17/09/07      Zhengzhou (China)
TOOL.'07 WS PROVECS 20/04/07    18/05/07      24/06-25/06/07      Zurich (Switzerland)
CAV'07 WS BMC       22/04/07    21/05/07      08/07-08/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
KI'07               22/04/07    11/06/07      10/09-13/09/07      Osnabrück (Germany)
LICS'07 WS PAUL     22/04/07    26/05/07      09/07-09/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
WFLP'07           a 22/04/07    23/05/07      25/06-25/06/07      Paris (France)
DLT'07 WS RP      + 23/04/07    11/05/07      07/07-08/07/07      Turku (Finland)
FroCoS'07         a 23/04/07    05/06/07      10/09-12/09/07      Liverpool (UK)
WRS'07            p 23/04/07    18/05/07      25/06-25/06/07      Paris (France)
WST'07            c 23/04/07    14/05/07      29/06-29/06/07      Paris (France)
WST'07            c 23/04/07    06/05/07      29/06-29/06/07      Paris (France)
CP'07            dp 25/04/07    23/06/07      23/09-27/09/07      Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
RCRA'07             25/04/07    25/05/07      05/07-06/07/07      Rome (Italy)
CAV'07 WS SMT     + 28/04/07    21/05/07      01/07-02/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
IFM'07 WS CV        29/04/07    08/05/07      04/07-06/07/07      Oxford (UK)
INFORM.'07 WS APA   29/04/07    28/05/07      24/09-28/09/07      Bremen (Germany)
WFLP'07           p 29/04/07    23/05/07      25/06-25/06/07      Paris (France)
FMCAD'07          a 30/04/07    21/06/07      11/11-14/11/07      Austin (Texas, USA)
FroCoS'07         p 30/04/07    05/06/07      10/09-12/09/07      Liverpool (UK)
IC.+LI.'07 WS DCM a 30/04/07    21/05/07      15/07-15/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
IC.+LI.'07 WS ATCP  30/04/07    21/05/07      08/07-08/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
LICS'07 WS LCC    + 30/04/07    12/05/07      15/07-15/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
SCAM'07          +a 30/04/07    11/06/07      30/09-01/10/07      Paris (France)
WORDS'07            30/04/07    03/06/07      17/09-21/09/07      Marseille (France)
SECRET'07         + 01/05/07    21/05/07      29/06-29/06/07      Paris (France)
TABL.'07 WS ALTP    01/05/07    05/06/07      03/07-03/07/07      Aix en Provence (France)
CALC.'07 WS PLMMS + 02/05/07    30/05/07      29/06-30/06/07      Hagenberg (Austria)
CADE'07 WS ADDCT  a 04/05/07    05/06/07      15/07-15/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
ICTAC'07          + 04/05/07    10/06/07      26/09-28/09/07      Macao SAR (China)
SCAM'07          +p 05/05/07    11/06/07      30/09-01/10/07      Paris (France)
CAV'07 WS PDMC    a 06/05/07    04/06/07      08/07-08/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
ECOOP'07 WS FTJP  a 06/05/07    06/06/07      31/07-31/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
CADE'07 WS ESARLT   07/05/07    08/06/07      15/07-15/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
CADE'07 WS LFMTP  a 07/05/07    03/06/07      16/07-16/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
CMSB'07             07/05/07    04/06/07      20/09-21/09/07      Edinburgh (Scotland)
FMCAD'07          p 07/05/07    21/06/07      11/11-14/11/07      Austin (Texas, USA)
ISMM'07           a 07/05/07    20/06/07      21/10-21/10/07      Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
CADE'07 WS ADDCT  p 09/05/07    05/06/07      15/07-15/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
MKM'07 WS MATHUI    10/05/07    31/05/07      27/06-30/06/07?     Schloss Hagenberg / Linz (Austria)
WLC'07                                        10/05-11/05/07      Amsterdam (Netherlands)
COLOR'07                                      11/05-12/05/07      Nancy (France)
CADE'07 WS LFMTP  p 13/05/07    03/06/07      15/07-15/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
CAV'07 WS PDMC    p 13/05/07    04/06/07      08/07-08/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
ECOOP'07 WS FTJP  p 13/05/07    06/06/07      31/07-31/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
FORMATS'07        + 13/05/07    25/06/07      03/10-05/10/07      Salzburg (Austria)
IFM'07 WS MMTFT     14/05/07    22/05/07      03/07-03/07/07      Oxford (UK)
ISMM'07           p 14/05/07    20/06/07      21/10-21/10/07      Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
PPPJ'07          +a 14/05/07    25/06/07      05/09-07/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
TANCL'07         +a 14/05/07    31/05/07      05/08-09/08/07      Oxford (England)
CADE'07 WS CFV      15/05/07    31/05/07      16/07-16/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
DOMAINS'07        a 15/05/07                  11/09-15/09/07      Novosibirsk (Russia)
ICFP'07 WS PLPV     15/05/07    08/07/07      05/10-05/10/07      Freiburg (Germany)
LATA'07        proc 15/05/07                  29/03-04/04/07      Tarragona (Spain)
LC'07               15/05/07                  14/07-19/07/07      Wroclaw (Poland)
QSIC'07             15/05/07    15/07/07      11/10-12/10/07      Portland (Oregon, USA)
SBMF'07             15/05/07    14/07/07      29/08-31/08/07      Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
TRENDS-IN-LOG.'07 + 15/05/07    15/05/07      06/07-09/07/07      Guangzhou (China)
ISWC'07             18/05/07    18/07/07      11/11-15/11/07      Busan (Korea)
TPHOLS'07        et 18/05/07    25/06/07      11/09-13/09/07      Kaiserslautern (Germany)
CADE'07 WS ISABELLE 20/05/07    05/06/07      16/07-16/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
ATVA'07           + 21/05/07    25/06/07      22/10-25/10/07      Tokyo (Japan)
CADE'07 WS VERI. +a 21/05/07    08/06/07      15/07-16/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
CONCUR'07 WS GTVC a 21/05/07    06/07/07      03/09-03/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
PPPJ'07           p 21/05/07    25/06/07      05/09-07/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
CADE'07 WS VERI. +p 25/05/07    08/06/07      15/07-16/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
DISPROVING'07     + 25/05/07    12/06/07      16/07-16/07/07      Bremen (Germany)
ECOOP'07 WS DYLA    27/05/07    13/07/07      31/07-31/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
ESUG'07             27/05/07    01/07/07      25/08-31/08/07      Lugano (Switzerland)
CONCUR'07 WS GTVC p 28/05/07    06/07/07      03/09-03/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
CONTEXT'07 WS CORR  28/05/07    25/06/07      21/08-21/08/07      Roskilde (Denmark)
EXPRESS'07       +a 28/05/07    29/06/07      03/09-03/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
ICFEM'07            28/05/07    17/07/07      13/11-15/11/07      Boca Raton (Florida, USA)
AGTIVE'07           29/05/07    16/07/07      10/10-12/10/07      Kassel (Germany)
SAS'07           po 29/05/07    11/06/07      22/08-24/08/07      Kongens Lyngby (Denmark)
ECOOP'07 WS LISP  + 31/05/07    08/06/07      30/07-30/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
LSFA'07           + 31/05/07    30/06/07      28/08-28/08/07      Ouro Preto(Brazil)
CONCUR'07 WS VAMP   01/06/07    06/07/07      03/09-03/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
EXPRESS'07        p 01/06/07    29/06/07      03/09-03/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
ICFP'07 WS CUFP   a 01/06/07                  04/10-04/10/07      Freiburg (Germany)
OOPSLA'07 SY DLS    01/06/07    30/06/07      22/10-22/10/07      Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
OPENMATH'07       a 01/06/07                  25/06-26/06/07      Schloss Hagenberg / Linz (Austria)
ESEC/F.'07 WS SOQUA 02/06/07    15/06/07      03/09-04/09/07      Dubrovnik (Croatia)
CONCUR'07 WS FBTC   03/06/07    13/07/07      08/09-08/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
ASE'07            a 04/06/07    10/08/07      05/11-09/11/07      Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
SECCO'07         +a 04/06/07    13/07/07      03/09-03/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
LPAR'07           a 04/06/07    23/07/07      15/10-19/10/07      Yerevan (Armenia)
SECCO'07         +p 07/06/07    13/07/07      03/09-03/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
FACS'07          +a 08/06/07    16/07/07      19/09-21/09/07      Sophia-Antipolis (France)
FCRC'07                                       08/06-16/06/07      San Diego (California, USA)
LOPSTR'07           08/06/07    13/07/07      22/08-24/08/07      Kongens Lyngby (Denmark)
WLP'07              08/06/07    06/07/07      04/10-06/10/07      Würzburg (Germany)
WSFM'07           a 08/06/07    20/07/07      28/09-29/09/07      Brisbane (Australia)
CCS'07 WS FMSE      10/06/07    25/07/07      02/11-02/11/07      Memphis (Tennessee, USA)
MICAI'07          a 10/06/07    20/07/07      05/11-09/11/07      Aguascalientes (Mexico)
ASE'07            p 11/06/07    10/08/07      05/11-09/11/07      Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
ICLP'07 WS WCB    + 11/06/07    06/07/07      13/09-13/09/07      Porto (Portugal)
ICTAI'07          + 11/06/07    15/07/07      29/10-31/10/07      Patras (Greece)
INFINITY'07         11/06/07    10/07/07      08/09-08/09/07      Lisbon (Portugal)
LPAR'07           p 11/06/07    23/07/07      15/10-19/10/07      Yerevan (Armenia)
FACS'07          +p 15/06/07    16/07/07      19/09-21/09/07      Sophia-Antipolis (France)
ICFP'07 WS HASKELL  15/06/07    15/07/07      30/09-30/09/07      Freiburg (Germany)
ICFP'07 WS ML       15/06/07    13/07/07      05/10-05/10/07      Freiburg (Germany)
KI'07 WS FAINT    + 15/06/07    13/07/07      10/09-10/09/07      Osnabrück (Germany)
LADS'07           + 15/06/07    20/07/07      04/09-06/09/07      Durham (UK)
TERMGRAPH'07   proc 15/06/07    14/09/07      31/03-31/03/07      Braga (Portugal)
TFP'07         proc 15/06/07    20/08/07      02/04-04/04/07      New York (NY, USA)
WSFM'07           p 15/06/07    20/07/07      28/09-29/09/07      Brisbane (Australia)
ICFP'07 WS ML     + 17/06/07    13/07/07      05/10-05/10/07      Freiburg (Germany)
ICFP'07 WS WMM      18/06/07    16/07/07      04/10-04/10/07      Freiburg (Germany)
ICTAC'07 WS 15YDC   18/06/07    25/07/07      22/09-23/09/07      Macau SAR (China)
FSTTCS'07         + 20/06/07    19/08/07      12/12-14/12/07      New Delhi (India) 
INFER'07                                      21/06-21/06/07      Paris (France)
ICFP'07 WS SFP      22/06/07    03/08/07      30/09-30/09/07      Freiburg (Germany)
SCHWICHTENBERG65'07                           22/06-22/06/07      Munich (Germany)
ICLP'07 WS CHR      22/06/07    22/07/07      08/09-08/09/07      Porto (Portugal) 
WLPE'07           + 22/06/07    08/07/07      13/09-13/09/07      Porto (Portugal)
PC'07                                         23/06-23/06/07      Munich (Germany)
CAV'07 CO SMT-COMP  25/06/07                  03/07-07/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
ESEC'07 WS SAVCBS + 25/06/07    15/07/07      03/09-04/09/07      Dubrovnik (Croatia)
SEFM'07         tut 25/06/07    04/07/07      12/09-14/09/07      London (UK)
VLHCC'07 WS VLL     25/06/07    01/08/07      23/09-23/09/07      Coeur d'Alene (Idaho, USA)
WAPL'07             25/06/07    06/08/07      15/10-17/10/07      Wisla (Poland)
RDP'07                                        25/06-29/06/07      Paris (France)
HVC'07              28/06/07    15/08/07      23/10-25/10/07      Haifa (Israel)
ICFP'07 WS ERLANG   28/06/07    12/07/07      05/10-05/10/07      Freiburg (Germany)
AVOCS'07            29/06/07    27/07/07      10/09-12/09/07      Oxford (UK)
CEE-SET'07        + 29/06/07    09/07/07      10/10-12/10/07      Poznan (Poland)
CP'07 WS SYMCON   + 29/06/07    17/07/07      23/09-23/09/07      Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
FTP'07            + 29/06/07    23/07/07      12/09-13/09/07      Liverpool (UK)
ICLP'07 WS ASP      30/06/07    30/07/07      08/09-13/09/07(2d)  Porto (Portugal)
CP'07 WS MODREF     01/07/07    21/07/07      23/09-23/09/07      Providence (Rhode Island, USA) 
ESE.'07 WS SYANCO + 01/07/07    ??/??/07      03/09-04/09/07      Dubrovnik (Croatia)
HCI'07 WS FMIS    + 01/07/07    27/07/07      04/09-04/09/07      Lancaster (UK)
ICLP'07 WS CICLOPS  01/07/07    01/08/07      08/10-13/10/07(1d)  Porto (Portugal)
INAP'07           + 01/07/07    13/07/07      04/10-06/10/07      Würzbuerg (Germany)
CAV'07 SE AHA                                 02/07-02/07/07      Berlin (Germany)
ESSLLI'08        ws 02/07/07    10/09/07      04/08-15/08/08      Hamburg (Germany)
FMCAD'07 WS ACL2  a 02/07/07    03/09/07      15/11-16/11/07      Austin (Texas, USA)
COMBLOG'07                                    04/07-04/07/07      Neuchâtel (Switzerland) 
FMCAD'07 WS ACL2  p 09/07/07    03/09/07      15/11-16/11/07      Austin (Texas, USA)
KSEM'07           + 10/07/07    15/08/07      28/11-30/11/07      Melbourne (Australia)
RULEML'07        +a 10/07/07    23/07/07      25/10-26/10/07      Orlando (Florida, USA)
CP'07 WS DCR        12/07/07    09/08/07      23/09-23/09/07      Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
TPHOLS'07 WS VER. + 14/07/07    20/07/07      14/09-14/09/07      Kaiserslautern (Germany)
APLAS'07            15/07/07    17/08/07      29/11-01/12/07      Singapore (Singapore)
ICMLA'07          + 15/07/07    01/09/07      13/12-15/12/07      Cincinnati (Ohio, USA)
ICTAC'07 WS TTSS    15/07/07    15/08/07      22/09-23/09/07      Macao SAR (China)
POPL'08             16/07/07    28/09/07      10/01-12/01/08      San Francisco C(alifornia, USA)
PLID'07             20/07/07                  21/08-21/08/07(2d)  Kongens Lyngby (Denmark)
RULEML'07        +p 20/07/07    23/07/07      25/10-26/10/07      Orlando (Florida, USA)
KPS'07            r 01/08/07                  10/01-12/10/07      Timmendorfer Strand (Germany)
ASIAN'07         +a 03/08/07    07/09/07      09/12-11/12/07      Doha (Qatar)
TGC'07           +a 03/08/07    17/09/07      05/11-06/11/07      Sophia-Antipolis (France)
AJSWR'07                                      19/08-25/08/07      Obergurgl (Austria)
FOIKS'08            08/08/07    15/10/07      11/02-15/02/08      Pisa (Italy)
ASIAN'07         +p 10/08/07    07/09/07      09/12-11/12/07      Doha (Qatar)
LPAR'07          sp 10/08/07    17/08/07      15/10-19/10/07      Yerevan (Armenia)
TGC'07           +p 10/08/07    17/09/07      05/11-06/11/07      Sophia-Antipolis (France)
CATS'08             19/08/07    28/09/07      23/01-24/01/08      Wollongong (New South Wales, Australia)
SOFSEM'08         a 22/08/07    26/10/07      19/01-25/01/08      Nový Smokovec (High Tatras, Slovakia)
LOGINF'07         a 23/08/07                  23/11-24/11/07      Braunschweig (Germnay)
PADL'08             24/08/07    27/09/07      07/01-08/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
IFL'07              31/08/07                  27/09-29/09/07      Freiburg (Germany)
RELMICS/AKA'08      31/08/07    15/12/07      06/04-11/04/08      Frauenwoerth near Munich (Germany)
ISOLA'07            01/09/07    15/10/07      12/12-14/12/07      Poitiers (France)
THEORIETAG'07     a 01/09/07                  28/09-29/09/07      Leipzig (Germany)
MEMICS'07         a 02/09/07    28/09/07      26/10-28/10/07      Znojmo (Czech Republic)
FLACOS'07           03/09/07    15/09/07      09/10-10/10/07      Oslo (Norway)
NWPT'07             03/09/07    15/09/07      10/10-12/10/07      Oslo (Norway)
GIRARD-60-JYG'07                              10/09-11/09/07      Paris (France)
ICSE'08             14/09/07    14/12/07      10/05-18/05/08      Leipzig (Germany)
STACS'08            14/09/07    02/12/07      21/02-23/02/08      Bordeaux (France)
VMCAI'08            14/09/07    31/10/07      07/01-09/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
ASE'07 WS AFM       15/09/07    24/09/07      06/11-06/11/07      Atlanta (Georgia, USA)
M4M'07            + 15/09/07    10/10/07      29/11-30/11/07      Cachan (France)
SAC'08            + 16/09/07    16/10/07      16/03-20/03/08      Fortaleza (Ceara, Brazil)
SAC'08 ST CSP     + 16/09/07    16/10/07      16/03-20/03/08      Fortaleza (Ceara, Brazil)
SAC'08 ST PL      + 16/09/07    16/10/07      16/03-20/03/08      Fortaleza (Ceara, Brazil)
SAC'08 ST SV      + 16/09/07    16/10/07      16/03-20/03/08      Fortaleza (Ceara, Brazil)
TSB'07            a 16/09/07                  08/10-10/10/07      Grenoble (France)
QIP'08              20/09/07    20/10/07      17/12-21/12/07      New Delhi (India)
LATIN'08          + 21/09/07    21/11/07      07/-4-11/04/08      Búzios / Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
RISE'07           + 27/09/07    22/10/07      26/11-27/11/07      Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
CASPI'07                                      28/09-28/09/07      Grenoble (France)
TYPES'07      +proc 28/09/07    05/11/07      02/05-05/05/07      Cividale (Italy)
ISAIM'08            01/10/07    31/10/07      02/01-04/01/08      Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA)
CDR60'07                                      03/10-03/10/07      Rome (Italy)
ESOP'08             04/10/07    08/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ICSM'07 ST MYTHSE                             04/10-04/10/07      Paris (France)
AOSD'08             05/10/07    21/12/07      31/03-04/04/08      Brussels (Belgium)
CC'08             a 05/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
FASE'08           a 05/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
FOSSACS'08        a 05/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ICST'08           a 05/10/07    04/01/08      09/04-11/04/08      Lillehammer (Norway)
TACAS'08          a 05/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
FOOL'08           a 08/10/07    26/11/07      13/01-13/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
PROPR'07          a 08/10/07    15/10/07      19/1-20/11/07       Edinburgh (Scotland, UK)
ICST'08 WS AMOST    09/10/09    09/03/08      09/04-09/04/08      Lillehammer (Norway)
FLOPS'08            10/10/07    21/12/07      14/04-16/04/08      Ise (Japan)
FOOL'08           p 11/10/07    26/11/07      13/01-13/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
CC'08             p 12/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
FASE'08           p 12/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
FOSSACS'08        p 12/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ICST'08           p 12/10/07    04/01/08      09/04-11/04/08      Lillehammer (Norway)
PEPM'08           a 12/10/07    12/11/07      07/01-08/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
TACAS'08          p 12/10/07    07/12/07      29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
WWV'07            a 14/10/07    12/11/07      14/12-14/12/07      San Servolo Island / Venice (Italy)
BCS-FACS'07       + 15/10/07    01/11/07      17/12-17/12/07      London (UK)
POPL'08 WS PLAN-X   15/10/07    30/11/07      09/01-09/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
PEPM'08           p 17/10/07    12/11/07      07/01-08/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
CSMR'08           a 19/10/07    18/12/07      01/04-04/04/08      Athens (Greece)
WWV'07            p 21/10/07    12/11/07      14/12-14/12/07      San Servolo Island / Venice (Italy)
CL'07                                         24/10-25/10/07      Vienna (Austria)
FMCO'07                                       24/10-26/10/07      Amsterdam (Netherlands)
POPL'08 WS DAMP  +a 26/10/07    30/11/07      09/01-09/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
ETAPS'08 WS MOMPES  29/10/07    03/12/07      05/04-05/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
SSV'08            + 29/10/07    14/12/07      25/02-26/02/08      Sydney (Australia)
ICALP'08         ws 31/10/07    21/11/07      06/07-13/07/08      Reykjavik (Iceland) 
POPL'08 WS DAMP  +p 31/10/07    30/11/07      09/01-09/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
ETAPS'08        tut 01/11/07                  29/03-06/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ETAPS'08 SY SC      01/11/07    22/12/07      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
MACIS'07        +ea 01/11/07    15/11/07      05/12-07/12/07      Paris (France)
CSCLP'07      +proc 02/11/07    12/01/08      07/06-08/06/07      Rocquencourt (France)
CSMR'08           p 02/11/07    18/12/07      01/04-04/04/08      Athens (Greece)
IFL'07         proc 02/11/07    14/12/07      27/09-29/09/07      Freiburg (Germany)
ADA-EUROPE'08       04/11/07    03/02/08      16/06-20/06/08      Venice (Italy)
EMCSR'08            04/11/07    16/12/07      25/03-28/03/08      Vienna (Austria)
ETAPS'08 WS SC   +a 08/11/07    22/12/07      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
POPL'08 WS SPACE    09/11/07    30/11/07      13/01-30/01/08      San Francisco (California, USA)
FM'08               10/11/07    01/02/08      26/05-30/05/08      Turku (Finland)
TAP'08           +a 11/11/07    20/01/08      09/04-11/04/08      Prato (near Florence) (Italy)
PLDI'08           a 12/11/07    08/02/08      07/06-13/06/08      Tucson (Arizona, USA)
ICECCS'08           15/11/07    15/12/07      31/03-04/04/08      Belfast (Northern Ireland)
ETAPS'08 WS DCC     16/11/07    09/01/08      29/03-06/04/08(1d)  Budapest (Hungary)
TAP'08           +p 18/11/07    20/01/08      09/04-11/04/08      Prato (near Florence) (Italy)
ETAPS'08 WS SC   +p 19/11/07    22/12/07      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
FLAIRS'08           19/11/07    21/01/08      15/05-17/05/08      Coconut Grove (Florida, USA)
ISMVL'08          + 19/11/07    07/01/08      22/05-23/05/08      Dallas (Texas, USA)
STOC'08             19/11/07    04/02/08      17/03-20/03/08      Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)
LICS'08          ws 20/11/07                  24/06-27/06/08      Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA)
EFFTT'07            21/11/07                  13/12-14/12/07      Tallinn (Estonia)
ICFP'08          ws 21/11/07    19/12/07      22/09-24/09/08      Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)
ETAPS'08 WS SLA++P  23/11/07    21/12/08      05/04-05/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
LSV10Y'07                                     26/11-27/11/07      Cachan (France)
PODS'08           a 28/11/07    26/02/08      09/01-11/01/08      Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
ETAPS'08 WS LDTA  a 30/11/07    01/02/08      30/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
LATA'08          ++ 30/11/07    18/01/08      13/03-19/03/08      Tarragona (Spain)
WAL'07            r 30/11/07                  14/12-15/12/07      Aachen (Germany)
ETA.'08 WS FORMED   03/12/07    10/01/08      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ETAPS'08 WS WGT     03/12/07    10/01/08      30/03-30/03/08(1d)  Budapest (Hungary)
PODS'08           p 05/12/07    26/02/08      09/01-11/01/08      Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)
TAMC'08           + 05/12/07    08/01/08      25/04-29/04/08      Xi'an (P.R. of China)
ESWC'08           a 07/12/07    29/02/08      01/06-05/06/08      Tenerife (Spain)
ETAPS'08 WS COCV  a 07/12/07    25/01/08      05/04-05/04/08      York (UK)
ETAPS'08 WS LDTA  p 07/12/07    01/02/08      30/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ETAPS'08 WS SAFEC.  08/12/07    11/01/08      29/03-29/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
AD'08               09/12/07    14/01/08      11/08-15/08/08      Bonn (Germany)
ETAPS'08 WS GTVMT a 09/12/07    14/01/08      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ETAPS'08 WS PDMC  a 09/12/07    14/01/08      29/03-29/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ECAI'08          ws 10/12/07    10/01/08      21/07-25/07/08      Patras (Greece)
ESWC'08           p 14/12/07    29/02/08      01/06-05/06/08      Tenerife (Spain)
ETAPS'08 WS COCV  p 14/12/07    25/01/08      05/04-05/04/08      York (UK)
ETAPS'08 WS FIT     14/12/07    14/01/08      05/04-05/04/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ETAPS'08 WS GTVMT p 14/12/07    14/01/08      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
TFIT'08             15/12/07    20/01/08      03/03-05/03/08      Taipei (Taiwan)
WCP'08            a 15/12/07    28/02/08      13/07-18/07/08      Melbourne (Victoria, Australia)
BARENDREGT60'07                               17/12-17/12/07      Nijmegen (Netherlands)
CP-AI-OR'08         17/12/07    01/02/08      21/05-23/05/08      Paris (France)
CSR'08            + 17/12/07    08/02/08      07/06-12/06/08      Moscow (Russia)
ETAPS'08 WS QAPL    17/12/07    28/01/08      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
IJCAR'08     ws/tut 17/12/07    14/01/08      10/08-15/08/08      Sydney (Australia)
ECOOP'08            19/12/07    03/03/08      07/07-11/07/08      Paphos (Cyprus)
WRLA'08           + 19/12/07    10/01/08      29/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ETAPS'08 WS MBT   + 20/12/07    19/01/08      29/03-06/04/08(1d)  Budapest (Hungary)
ETAPS'08 WS RV      21/12/07    14/01/08      30/03-30/03/08      Budapest (Hungary)
ICC'08            a 21/12/07    ??/01/08      11/02-12/02/08      Villetaneuse/Paris (France)
FICS'08           a 28/12/07    22/02/08      03/06-06/06/08      Shanghai (China)


Last modified: Thu Feb 19 10:59:08 CET 2009

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