Two and beyond

Barcelona-Vienna Workshop on
Truth-Functional Logics

UPF Barcelona
November 21, 2007

Organized by:
Angel J. Gil Estallo (U Pompeu Fabra) and
Chris Fermüller (TU Vienna)
Supported by:
Kurt Gödel Society
and Accion Integrada 2006-2007, ÖAD Austrian Exchange Service and
Spanish Ministery for Education and Science.

Morning: room 40:213
Afternoon: room 40:275

Workshop Schedule
10:15     Opening
10:30  -  11:05  Matthias Baaz
   The decidability status of monadic Gödel logics and their fragments
11:05  -  11:40  Stefan Hetzl
   Proof Fragments and Cut-Elimination
11:40  -  12:00  Discussion and coffee break
12:00  -  12:35  Chris Fermüller
   Some Remarks on Imprecise Truth Values
12:35  -  13:10  Norbert Preining
   Fragments of Gödel Logics
13:10  -  13:30  Discussion
13:30  -  14:00  Visit to the UPF library
14:00  -  16:00  Lunch
16:15  -  16:50  Angel Gil
   On the infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logics that preserve degrees of truth
16:50  -  17:25  Felix Bou
   Logics preserving degrees of truth from varieties of residuated lattices
17:25  -  17:45  Discussion and coffee break
17:45  -  18:20  Lluis Godo
   Fuzzy modal logics
18:20  -  18:55  Enrico Marchioni
   On decidability and complexity of semilinear varieties:
an application to fuzzy logics